It’s not a question of “if,” it’s a question of “how does home automation save money”?
Home automation is a great way to bring your home into the current century, enjoy the convenience of smartphone-linked household items, and enjoy your entire home experience more fully. Beyond all of those great things, home automation can save you some money every day of the week! How does home automation save money around the house?
Start with Your Thermostat
Smart thermostats are an easy way to transition into home automation and save some major cash on your monthly energy bills. Energy is often wasted by heating and cooling rooms in your home that you aren’t currently in or when you aren’t even home at all. Smart thermostats let you control the temperature inside of your home wherever you are, whether you are sitting on the couch or 500 miles away! You can program your thermostat to turn on right before you get home, turn down once you are in bed, or even adjust temperatures over the course of the day or night.
Light It Up
The lights in your house are also a great way to incorporate home automation into your home. You can use timers attached to the lights, sensors, or your phone’s app to control the light’s intensity, color, and whether it’s on or off. By using the lights in your home intelligently, you won’t waste extra energy or unnecessarily burn your light bulbs. Try setting the lights to slowly dim as the sun goes down so that you are ready for bed or use fun multi-colored options next time you have a party for mood lighting!
Decrease Your Insurance Costs
This might surprise you, but home automation can also decrease the amount you spend on insurance! Home insurance companies realize that smart home systems like security and lighting reduce the risk of you making an insuarnace claim for something like theft, fire, or water damage. As a result, you can enjoy up to 20% off of your current home insurance bill.
Home Automation with Integrated Technologies Group
Ready to add home automation to your home? Integrated Technologies Group has the expertise and great prices to make it happen. We have been providing Maryland residents with top notch home theater services, home security services, and home automation services for over a decade. We work throughout Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware, and West Virginia. Ready to get a quote to make your smart home dreams a reality? Give us a call at 1-877-560-3280 or visit us online. For more informative articles, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.
Tags: home automation, home automation advantages, save money with home automation